All of the pottery pictured on this page came from the most recent firings of the wood-fired kiln at Old Farmhouse Pottery and is for sale. These are all "one-of-a-kind" pieces, so there is only one of each item available, and they will be marked "sold" if no longer available.
Solution GraphicsOfficial PayPal SealIf you would like to buy a piece pictured on this page, please either: 1) send an e-mail to david @farmpots. com and I will confirm that the piece is available and hold it until I receive payment by check, or 2) click on the "Add do Cart" button. When you click on the "View Cart" button you will be taken to a secure site where you may pay by credit card or a PayPal account. Note that the "Add to Cart" button will automatically add shipping to each item, so if you are buying multiple items you may e-mail me for a possibly less expensive combined shipping rate.

Note that the "Add to Cart" option is only for shipments within the United States.

For international shipments, please e-mail, and the actual shipping cost will be calculated and added. For shipments to Texas addresses, 6 3/4% Texas sales tax will automatically be added by PayPal. Shipment will be via US Postal Service or UPS.


Communion Set. These sets includes a chalice, paten (plate),and pitcher. The paten is about 10 1/2 inches in diameter,

the chalice is about 8 inches tall. $145 plus $25 shipping, per set.

Each set is one-of-a-kind and you will receive the actual pieces pictured.


If you make a purchase be sure to tell me which set you would like, Purple (top left), Ivory (top right), Gray (bottom left), or White (bottom right).


Three piece Communion Set





Tumblers. These were designed to be drinking tumblers, but are

equally suitable to use as vases. They are 7 inches tall, $40 plus

$8 shipping, or buy 2 for $80 plus $12 shipping.

If you make a purchase be sure to let me know, by color,

which tumbler(s) you would like.

I have several more of each color, so let me know if you would

a set of similar colors!





Two Tumblers       



Rounded Mugs. These mugs are about 4 inches tall and hold about 12 ounces. $35 + $8 shipping each.

Buy two for $70 + $12 shipping.  If you make a purchase be sure to let me know which one(s) you would like by number.

Sorry #1 and #3 are SOLD.

  Rounded Mug   

Two Rounded Mugs    


Chalices. These are good for ceremonial as well as more casual use. They are about 8 inches tall and hold about 10 ounces.

$50 plus $10 shipping. If you make a purchase be sure to let me know, by number, which one1 you would like.


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                      Screw-top Bottles. These bottles feature a stopper that screws into the neck of the bottle. They are good for storing any liquid - I use one for olive oil. They are 7 1/4 inches tall, $60 + $10 shipping.  Sorry, # 2 and #3 are SOLD, only #1 is available.         

 Screw-top Bottle

Twisted Square Pump Bottles. Good for lotion or soap,

these bottles are about 8 1/2 inches tall (including the pump).

$50 plus $10 shipping each.

 Sorry,  the right (gray top) pump bottle is SOLD. Only the left (blue top) bottle is available.

      Twisted Square Pump Bottle    







Pouring bottles. These bottles are fitted with pouring spouts.

The stainless steel spouts are actually called "liquor pourers", but

most people use them to dispense olive oil or dishwashing detergent.

The bottles are about 7 inches tall, or 9 inches tall with the pouring

spouts. $45 + $10 shipping each. Sorry, only the bottle on the right is





Pouring Bottle        





Footed Vases with "Arms". These vases are about 6 inches tall and feature decorative rippled rims and unglazed clay handles.

$36 plus $9 shipping each.

If you make a purchase, be sure to send an e-mail telling me which one you'd like, by number.

Sorry #3 is SOLD.

footed vase with arms    




Dancing Wavy Vases. These extruded vases were made with a dark clay and

a light clay mixed together, which creates the mottled pattern in the unglazed clay.

The tilted gestures and "arms" give them a dancing quality. About 8 inches tall.

$65 plus $10 shipping each.


If you make a purchase, be sure to let me know which one you'd like.

  Dancing Wavy Vase          



Rope-top Pitchers. These feature a rim of twisted clay coils with prominent ice damns. They are about 9 inches tall and hold approximately two quarts. $100 plus $15 shipping.


   Rope-top Pitcher        


Round  jars. These jars are about 9 inches tall. Will make a great cookie jar or canister jar!

$80 + $15 shipping.

If you make a purchase, be sure to let me know which one you'd like.


Round  jar     




Small Jaunty jars. These jars are slightly off-center.

Combined with their human-like "arms" and wavy handles,

they have a very animated quality! 8 inches tall, $75 plus $15 shipping.

If you make a purchase, be sure to send an e-mail telling me which

one you'd like, by number.


Sorry #3 is SOLD.




 Small Jaunty jar       







Ruffle-top Vases. These vases feature a wavy "ruffle-top" rim and rolled coil handles.

The small ones (#2 and #4) are about 7 1/2 inches tall, and the large ones (#1 and #3) are about 9 inches tall.

The small ones are $70 plus $15 shipping and the large ones are $90 plus $20 shipping.

If you make a purchase, be sure to send an e-mail telling me which one you'd like, by number.


    Small Ruffle-top Vase (#2 or #4)     

   Large Ruffle-top Vase ( #1 or #3)     



Extra-large Large Ruffle-top Vase. An extra-large version of the above vases. About 10 inches tall. $95 plus $20 shipping.



 Extra-large Large Ruffle-top Vase      








Colorful Stacked Ball Lamps. These lamps were made with brightly-glazed

clay spheres, stacked and bolted together with a steel rod.

Each uses a candelabra bulb (included) and has a switch on the cord.

About 15 inches tall, including the shade. $80 each plus $15 shipping.

If you make a purchase, be sure to send an e-mail telling me which one you'd like.


 Stacked Ball Lamp      




Jug with screw-on cap. This is my take on the old timey whiskey jug!

12 inches tall and holds about a gallon.

$125 plus $25 shipping