Welcome to Old Farmhouse Pottery at farmpots.com. We hope you enjoy looking around and will be able to visit in person some day. We are located in East Texas, between Tyler and Lufkin/Nacogdoches, or approximately halfway between Dallas and Houston.











David "Hambone" Hendley has a music CD!

See the "Videos & Music" page for details





Old Farmhouse Pottery has a Facebook page.

LIKE US at    www.facebook.com/OldFarmhousePottery/




Some of the many faces of David Hendley: potter, wizard, scholar, politician, musician, pottery czar, and super-hero, able to leap tall kilns in a single bound, often doing the work of four potters at once!









1. HAMLET Act III, scene 1   2. MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR Act II, scene 2   3. HENRY VI Part 1 Act I, scene 5

4. JULIUS CAESAR Act 3, scene 1   5. HENRY V Prologue   6. HAMLET Act 1, scene 3   7. AS YOU LIKE IT Act III, scene 5